Each 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month
AIHSC Clinic Activity Room, 4320 W. Montrose, Chicago 60641
We will provide materials for craft projects, or just come to socialize. Our Seniors Outreach team of Christine RedCloud and Cyndee Fox-Starr will lead the group sessions conducting activities for fun and entertainment and provide any updates on future community events.
4th Tuesdays lunch will be provided.
Christine and Cyndee Provide Activities and Engagement That’ll Bring You Back!
Plenty of Room For Crafts, Bingo, Sewing and Creating!
Christine and Cyndee provide entertainment, conversation, laughs, materials for crafts or creating. A large screen TV monitor is available for related videos to entertain or inform. A radio is available for music. Tables are available for food (Please bring your own favorites). We have a coffee maker and condiments We try to change things up on activities so bring your suggestions!
Free Health Screenings and Presentations
AIHSC Medical Staff will be available.
Our outreach team Senior Advocate, Christine RedCloud, works with Seniors in ensuring that they are doing well and able to stay active and involved in their community. Our medical staff will provide a free screening and advisement.