An Anishinaabe Tradition.
The Seven Grandfather Teachings are the principles of character that each Anishinaabe should live by. Love, Respect, Bravery, Truth, Honesty, Humility & Wisdom.
According to the story, long ago, a messenger sent to see how the Neshnabék were living, discovered that the Neshnabék were living their life in a negative way, which impacted their thoughts, decisions, and actions. Some had hate for others, displayed disrespectful actions, were afraid, told lies, and cheated. Others revealed pride or were full of shame. During his journey, the messenger came across a child. This child was chosen to be taught by the Seven Grandfathers to live a good life. He was taught the lessons of Love, Respect, Bravery, Truth, Honesty, Humility, and Wisdom.
Before departing the Seven Grandfathers told him, “Each of these teachings must be used with the rest. You cannot have Wisdom without Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility, and Truth. You cannot be Honest if you are only using one of the other teachings. To leave out one teaching would be embracing the opposite of what the teaching means.” The Seven Grandfathers each instructed the child with a principle. It was then up to the child to forget them, or to put them to use.
Each one of us represents the child. We must faithfully apply the teachings of our Seven Grandfathers to our own lives. We must place our trust in the Creator. We must also never forget to be sincere in our actions, character, and words.*
Love, Respect, Bravery, Truth, Honesty, Humility, and Wisdom.
1.) Debwewin (Truth) • Truth represents the turtle. The teachings on truth allows you to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to being the complete person we were created to become. This will allow youth to see that though the journey may be slow, they need to keep moving forward as they have not yet met their destination.
2.) Zoongidi’ewin (Courage) • Courage or Bravery is represented as the bear. Through this teaching, our mentors will work with the youth to explain the importance of Courage to make positive choices and have a conviction based on your decisions and helps you find your inner strength so you can face your fears allows you to live life free for the betterment of the person, family and community.
3.) Manaaji’idiwin (Respect) • Respect is represented by the buffalo. The teachings on Respect will include the learning of treating those around you the way you want to be treated and that Respect does not allow you to be harmful to yourself or others as if you harm yourself, you are also harming yourself and the entire community.
4.) Gwayakwaadiziwin (Integrity) • Integrity is represented by the raven. The teaching on Integrity focuses us on knowing and accepting who we are and reminds us to not try to be someone who we are not; it also teaches us how Natives have been given the ability to survive and thrive.
5.) Zaagi’idiwin (Love) • Love is represented by the eagle. Love can be found in the core of all teachings. It is most important and focuses on having peace with yourself, balance in life, acceptance of all things and graciousness with the creator.
6.) Nibwaakaawin (Wisdom) • Wisdom is represented by the beaver. The teaching of wisdom will allow you to use your inherited gifts wisely and to recognize your differences and those of others in a kind and respectful way. Wisdom nurtures your ability to listen with clarity and a sound mind so this teaching will focus on how to listen.
7.) Dabasendizowin (Humility) • Humility is represented by the Wolf.
This teaching brings home that you are a sacred part of creation and allows you to carry your pride with your people and praise the accomplishments of all. Humility will teach you to find a balance within yourself for all creation.